Saturday, May 4, 2024

In EVERY person is a STORY


Romans 12:15

King James Version

15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, 

and weep with them that weep.

I believe every person has a story to tell.

A story of your own life.

Lived as you have.

Unique to your own person.

You've got your joys, sorrows, accomplishments.

You may even have secret sorrows no one knows about.

And yet, one day, you let it all out.

You find yourself talking.

Only because someone else is listening.

Genuinely interested in your story.

Not busy texting.

Or primping.

Or taking pictures for social media.

Or looking for their next appointment.

Impatient for you to finish your tale.

I feel many look for such a person.

Whether it be a friend, a family member.

An officemate, or even a stranger.

Someone we can trust.

Someone we feel comfortable with.

Someone who's found our story.

Without even meaning to.

A soul, so gentle, you hardly even know she's there.

An ear, so quick, you're asked the right questions.

A presence, so quiet, you forgot you're doing all the talking.

An eye, so tender, you're not afraid of being judged.

A heart, so interested, you're relaxed sharing your story.

Without fear of judgment, or recrimination.

We all need such a soul.

Sanctified by GOD.

Taught by JESUS.

Guided by SPIRIT.

A true born again.

When you've encountered such a soul, wonderful things happen.

Your day brightens.

A burden lifts from your heart.

You go back into time, recalling memories.

Things are seen from a different perspective.

And all you did was talk.

Because someone cared to listen.

Did that ever happen to you?

I became such a person today.

The listener.

The one who did all the crying.

Walking in my mom's shoes, living her life.

Walking alongside her, being with her each day.

Being the protector she should have had then.

I let my mom talk, for as long as she wanted to.

I was genuinely interested.

I wanted to know her story.

I wanted to know her hardships.

I wanted to know her joys.

I wanted to know about the people in her life.

Her folks, friends, family.

Maybe it became a healing time for my mom.

But surely a very enjoyable time for me.

I got to know my mom better.

I got to know her story.

Even as I was witness to her story when I was born.

But what about those "missing" years?

When she was a child.

Growing up, into her teens.

What did she go through?

How was it for her?

How did she manage?

Who helped her?

Who loved her?

Who made life difficult for her?

What did she want for herself?

How did it all turn out for her?

How very precious our stories are!

How very RICH our histories are!

How very interesting people's lives are!

I would just love to sit across you, as you tell me your story.

And I can watch your face, as you do.

And I will listen, walk with you, and learn from you.

But because I'm not there with you, I hope you have such a friend.

Who really cares to hear your story.

And if there's no one, write it yourself.

Put it down on paper, and write it.

Write where you've been, how it's been, what you experienced, what you learned, what you wish you did better, who were kind to you, who were mean to you, what you want out of life, what you can give others, and anything else that matters to you.

Write about the stuff you never told anyone.

Or the stuff no one cared to ask about you.

Write it, keep it, read it.

Update it.

And if a chance comes up, listen to another.

Let them tell you their story.

Don't tell your own.

Just listen.

You'll find, it's the most exhilarating experience.

To listen, with you heart, to another person's story.

GOD is surely in your midst, when you care to listen.

Let your heart do the "seeing".

Listen quietly.

Proverbs 17:17

King James Version

17 A friend loveth at all times, 

and a brother is born for adversity.

Matthew 18:20

King James Version

20 For where two or three 

are gathered together in my name, 

there am I in the midst of them.

1 John 4:7

King James Version

7 Beloved, 

let us love one another: 

for love is of God; 

and every one that loveth is born of God, 

and knoweth God.

Be a friend.

Even to your mom.

Or dad, siblings, and relatives.

We all need a gentle soul who cares.

In all sincerity.

Also, don't live your life without having told your story.

Someone will always want to listen.

And it doesn't have to be as Prince Harry* did.

It's not for mass consumption.

*I sincerely hope Prince Harry turns to JESUS.
He will have all the help, comfort, and healing he needs.
In ways, no man could ever offer.
Only through JESUS, is TRUE healing.

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