The LORD JESUS calls:
Matthew 11:28
King James Version
28 Come unto me,
all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Are you in deep need of rest?
To get away from the demands of life, or the noise of your surroundings?
Or, perhaps, you don't feel too well, and would just like to lie down, and rest?
You will find comfort in where SPIRIT led me today.
For I, too, needed to recharge.
If you're up to it, please look into these healing, and comforting articles:
As you read, listen to soothing nature.
Let's have our quiet moments with GOD.
We need the living water of CHRIST.
Make time to rest.
Knowing GOD loves us all.
Have the peace of CHRIST in your heart.
We all deserve those quiet moments.
Related material:
The Still Small Voice - Charles Haddon (C.H.) Spurgeon Sermon 1 Kings 19:12-13
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