Proverbs 3:5-6
King James Version
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him,
and he shall direct thy paths.
We have a merciful GOD.
He prepares us for what is to come.
He gives us strength for the journey.
These I found, since GOD made me born again.
Today was another day for remembrance.
SPIRIT and I just finished an article:
As I edited the material, He brought me back to a 2021 article we wrote:
It was written simply, and beautifully.
I was to use it as a link for the first article.
As I re-read that post, I realized it was written on 3 October 2021.
I was not to know that 12 days after, my beloved baby sister would pass on.
So, it presses upon my heart again.
The tears wanting to flow.
Every now and then, the same thing occurs.
Reminding me of the articles we wrote before she passed on.
All articles always involved SPIRIT, baby sis, and I.
We were a team.
I was just two years into being saved then.
Those two years were busy years of writing, and caring for family.
I was to be tested.
JESUS took my baby sis back home.
Would I be overcome by grief?
Would I keep on?
Would I carry the torch for JESUS, baby sis, and I?
Would my shattered heart be put back together?
Would I stay on the path?
What do you think happened?
Was I a true born again?
By the GRACE of GOD, by the LOVE of JESUS, and love for the rest of my family, I kept on.
It wouldn't do to fall apart when I had other members to think of.
I was not the only one grieving.
I could not quit the task given me.
I held on to JESUS:
Luke 9:23
King James Version
23 And he said to them all,
If any man will come after me,
let him deny himself,
and take up his cross daily,
and follow me.
I carry that cross each day.
We created more blogs.
I saved my sister's spot in our room.
Why change a beautiful thing?
It's as if she's still there.
Even as I know she's with JESUS now.
Ecclesiastes 12:7
King James Version
7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was:
and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
2 Corinthians 5:8
King James Version
8 We are confident, I say,
and willing rather to be absent from the body,
and to be present with the Lord.
Only through JESUS am I able to keep on.
GOD made me born again on time.
If He didn't, how would I survive the pain?
He gave me enough preparation for pain.
He gave me SPIRIT, to teach me Scripture.
He gave me Scripture, for healing.
He gave me a premonition, a month before.
He gave me a vision of angels, a week before.
He gifted me with my precious baby sister.
I can only thank GOD, continually.
More on healing here:
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